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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Future Investment

Future Investment

The popular perception of futures is that they are a form of very high risk speculation. This is true. But futures are also widely used as financial tools for reducing risk. Futures speculators invest in commodity futures in the same way others invest in stocks and bonds, and mutual fund managers also use futures to hedge against risk. The primary purpose of futures markets is to provide an efficient and effective mechanism for the management of price risks. Futures traders accept price risks from producers and users with the idea of making substantial profits.

A futures contract on a commodity is a commitment to deliver or receive a specific quantity and quality of a commodity during a designated month at a price determined by the futures market. For example, someone buying an April Canola contract at $5 a pound is obligated to accept delivery of 100 pounds of canola during the month of April at $5 per pound. Selling a futures contract means you are obligated to deliver these goods. The same concept applies to buying a futures contract on any other asset. It is important to know that a very high portion of futures contracts trades never lead to delivery of the underlying asset; most contracts are "closed out" before the delivery date


Komponen harga jual yang menguntungkan :
a. Harga pokok barang yang dijual
b. Biaya operasi perusahaan (spt : biaya sewa, gaji pegawai, biaya asuransi dsb)
c. Laba bersih yang diinginkan perusahaan

Komponen Harga Pokok Penjualan :
a. Persediaan Awal
b. Harga pokok pembelian
c. Harga pokok barang yang tersedia untuk dijual
d. Persediaan akhir

Rekening-rekening dalam perusahaan dagang
a. Penjualan
b. Retur dan potongan penjualan
c. Potongan tunai penjualan
d. Pembelian
e. Retur dan potongan pembelian
f. Potongan tunai pembelian
g. Biaya angkut pembelian
h. Persediaan barang dagangan

Siklus Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa

Tahap Pencatatan Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa

* Sumber Pencatatan dan Analisis Bukti Transaksi
* Jurnal
* Buku Besar

Tahap Pengikhtisaran Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa

* Neraca Saldo dan Kertas Kerja
* Jurnal Penyesuaian
* Jurnal Penutup dan Neraca Saldo Setelah Penutupan

Tahap Pelaporan Akuntansi Perusahaan Jasa

* Laporan Laba-Rugi
* Laporan Perubahan Modal
* Neraca
* Jurnal Pembalik